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[7/22/22] More pickleball in the news

Lots of informative, fun ... and mainstream articles about pickleball lately!

A very comprehensive one was published in The New Yorker on 7/18/22 that covered history, shared anecdotes, and described the current competing pro tours run by the Association of Pickleball professionals (APP) and the Professional Pickleball Association (PPA) ... and now Major League Pickleball (MLP) with its own tournaments. You can read it here:

Can Pickleball Save America? by Sarah Larson The sport, beloved for its democratic spirit, could unite the country – if it doesn't divide itself first.

By the way, here's a photo I took in April of pickleball being played in NYC at the corner of Sixth Avenue and Houston Street, described late in the article. We sure have them beat!

Forbes Health recently published "What Is Pickleball?", describing the potential benefits, and risks, of playing pickleball. Here's an excerpt:

Potential Benefits of Playing Pickleball There are many health benefits of playing pickleball, not least of which is that it’s a quick picker-upper. Not only is the “fun factor” evident, but a recent study of 153 older adults in the journal Leisure Studies found playing pickleball to be associated with lower levels of depression. Other research shows it may also improve cognitive performance. On a physical level, pickleball can support better hand-eye coordination (which is also important for daily tasks like driving and eating). Additionally, studies indicate that playing pickleball increases agility and coordination, as well as muscle strength and function. A prominent 2018 study conducted by Western State Colorado University found regular pickleball participation offers substantive cardio benefits, too. Picklers who committed to playing for one hour three times a week showed marked improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness and cholesterol levels. Their blood pressure dropped significantly as well. Potential Risks of Playing Pickleball Overall, pickleball is a very safe and accessible sport and can actually be a great activity for people recovering from injuries. Like with anything, however, there are some risks. According to Noe Sariban, a physical therapist known as “The Pickleball Doctor,” some common pickleball injuries might include accidental falls, strains, sprains and tendonitis. The most common type of fall happens when people trip while back-pedaling to try to get an overhead ball. Sariban says players can minimize this risk by turning around and running toward the back of a court when someone hits a lob instead. Little tips and tricks like that one can help make your matchplay even safer. If you do sustain a pickleball injury, consult your doctor or physical therapist so you can heal correctly and get back on the court as soon as possible.

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