In case you missed the Tennis & Pickleball Center's weekly eNewsletter on Sunday 1/16/22, Court Sports 4 Life's "2021: Year in Review" report is now available, sharing highlights from the Tennis & Pickleball Center’s operations as well as the outdoor expansion project, both of which are CS4L’s responsibilities. It’s also our chance to thank the 200+ donors who have made Phase 1 possible, all listed in the report and below. We couldn’t do this without you!
Here’s CS4L’s Executive Director’s message from the Year In Review report:
2021 will go down in history for many reasons, good and bad. What has been so impressive to me is how the Steamboat Springs community and especially our Tennis and Pickleball community has worked together to stay strong and resilient through these challenging times. Taking care of 2,700 new players during a pandemic has required flexibility and patience from many. Center staff and volunteers are generous, caring and dedicated to our mission. The laughter, the successes on and off the court and the people of the Center keep me inspired and passionate about the work we do.
Here’s to an even better 2022!
The Year In Review report is available to download and we’ll have some printed copies in the Center’s vestibule. By the way, did you see our full-page ad in the Friday 1/14/22 issue of the Steamboat Pilot, publicly thanking all our donors? It's appended below.
No article about the expansion project would be complete without saying that you, too, could be in the "2022: Year In Review" report by donating by check or online.